Category Archives: Macro Monday

Recovering from a food overdose

Thanksgiving and my birthday were great! We traveled to my brothers and had a combination of several different families all join together as one. The food was delicious, seeing everyone was fabulous, and then my baby stole the show by taking his first….and then later his first 14 steps! I’m so proud of the little guy!  We have several videos of the moment and I also have several pictures to sort though. I don’t have time to get to them today but wanted post a beautiful picture I took on Wednesday of the gorgeous flowers we had at my office.

Also I was tagged by Dina at 4 Lettre Words to answer a few questions and then keep the game going  by tagging a few more of my fellow bloggers…So let’s check out the questions and get started:

1. If you could live anywhere what city would you choose? Well without being too boring I actually LOVE the city that I live in. There is so much to do with the kids and it’s a beautiful place all 4 seasons. I, however, have always dreamed of moving to a small northern fishing town-maybe in Maine-and owning a coffee/bookstore. It’ll never happen but I can still dream. 😉

2. What is your guilty pleasure? Chocolate cake. No matter how full I am I can never bring myself to pass that up!

3. What is the one thing you hope your boy(s) learn from you? This is a tough one…Hobby wise, I would love for them to be a talented photographer or gardener. Personality wise, my cleanliness.

4. If you could have a celebrity blog follower who would it be? Oh gosh….Um, I think Kelly Ripa…I love her!

Now I will send the following questions to:

Life with the Lyngs
Mallard Cove Mommy
& Loving my Life
1. If you had to eat one thing for dinner every night for a year what would it be?

2. If you were to describe yourself using an animal which one would you be?

3. What is your favorite holiday?

4. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would you choose?

Thanks for playing and reading! See you tomorrow!

Blogging from Bolivia

Macro Monday & other Misc…

I was getting this post ready for Monday and realized I didn’t do a day 21 “thanks” for my 25 day challenge. I certainly don’t have the energy to muster up something now but I must say today I would have to give thanks to my Mother in Law. She helps us oh so often in so many areas! Just today for example she’s taken Keagan to entertain so we could start & finish our Christmas shopping. Which I am SO happy to have done! And I’m also so excited on everything we got for the boys!!

Anyways, I thought I would just throw a few randoms up for today/tomorrow. As I mentioned I’m tired and I’m sure everyone knows how Christmas shopping in the crowds can zap you!

Micro Monday….

This is a tiny little dew drop on our cabbage plant and in the dew drop was an even smaller gnat….Pretty neat picture I thought.

Here are a few more randoms from our leaf adventures…Still more photos of that to come!

And on the 22nd day of my challenge I want to show thanks for my dog, Boodro. He is honestly the best dog we could ask for! He came from the shelter totally potty trained and kennel trained. He loves the boys. He has never snapped at either one of them when they pull his ears, pin him down, steal his food…He patiently waits for us to return home every day after work and can’t wait to sit in our laps when we’re settled for the night. He is the neighborhood dog and loves to go visit everyone yet knows where the love is when he comes home. We love Boodro and could not have chosen a better dog to fit our family!!


Macro Friday: Broccoli

Broccoli has always been my favorite vegetable so I’m not sure why but this year has been our first attempt at growing it in our own backyard garden. I have been so excited by the outcome. What a neat vegetable. My whole life while eating it I’ve never once thought about what a broccoli plant would look like growing. How it would just randomly start appearing from a crevice in the plant. I’ve never taken the time to think that each little ball on the end of the “tree” part was actually a very tiny little flower bud just waiting to bloom. This vegetable is not only delicious to eat but absolutely fascinating to watch grow.

Blogging from Bolivia

Nature in our own backyard….

An acorn….

A simple acorn that Keagan loves to complain about hurting his feet….Little did he know there was so much more involved in a little acorn. He learned today. It was really neat to watch the wheels in that little head turn….

“Look, Look, Look”, he says!! He even enjoyed digging his own up! We have so many in our yard…Its a wonder our backyard isn’t a forest already.

It is so amazing to me, to Aaron, to Keagan-that such a little nut can turn into such a gorgeous tree. Into a tree where we make family memories. Where we swing on our tire swing…we play in the shade and we watch in amazement each year as this tree continues to amaze us.

On this 15th day of November I give thanks to Nature. It is such an important part of our families lives…


A Milestone has been reached

Look at my baby!!!! We just discovered he can do this today! How proud I am of the little guy. Gosh, it’s not going to be long before he’s walking-then running, and finally able to keep up with his big brother. I watch him now and I can tell he wants to be able to so bad. It frustrates him to no end when he’s crawling as fast as he can and before he gets to where he’s going we’ve all moved on.

Way to go Easton! You’re getting to be such a big boy!

***Trendy Treehouse is hosting a photo challenge this week and the theme is brown….I couldn’t help but to think this picture n would fit right in***

Shutter Love Tuesdays Button

On another note we had a very lazy weekend….When I say lazy-I’m truly not kidding. I got out of my pj’s on saturday for a couple of hours but other than that….It was lounging all the way. That is totally unlike us. We’re normally running around so much that I often wonder where my weekend really went.

Well on this lazy weekend Keagan happened to request some ice cream sandwiches. I’m sorry but going to the store was not on the agenda so we made do with what we had….Which was, warm baked cookies straight from the oven with a bit of chocolate ice cream sandwiched in between. They were a hit!

The Paper Mama

Also this weekend we hit another milestone for the year…..Our first frost! It was beautiful but I’ll tell you flat out….I’m not ready for the cold!


While I’m at it I wanted to show thanks on this 8th day of my 25 days of thanks challenge to milestones…..Such small things in the scheme of the rest of the world can be such a big deal to our tiny lives. They can take an ordinary day and turn it into a day you’ll remember forever.

Macro Monday-Jelly….

We’re back! And we had so much fun! I have so many pictures to sort through from two different cameras. I need to figure out how to organize them and then post them so I can make the most of our trip. All in all it was great fun and we stayed very busy!

I want to get caught up on the house, laundry, and reading the other blogs I follow closely and then I’ll be back around to show off some of our adventures. 😉 I didn’t want to leave without posting a picture to the Macro Monday. I was truly mesmerized by these jelly fish while we were at the aquarium. More great photos from there to come…