Category Archives: 30 Days of Beauty Challenge

Our little Georgia Garden Gnome


As you can see our little Georgia Garden Gnome is clearly unhappy….Aaron keeps trying to tell me it must be his costume but I’m convinced it’s the damage the slugs are doing to our garden. What do you think???

I have more of these cute pictures I’ll be pulling out in the next day or so. 🙂 But I thought it couldn’t be anymore perfect for a couple of photo challenges this week. 😉

The Paper Mama

Shutter Love Tuesdays Button

30 Days of Beauty: The Conclusion

When I decided to take on this project I knew that I was dedicating myself to 30 days of finding beauty in my world. I had already told myself I could miss a day here or there or that I could take a picture of pretty much anything and post it and it would be okay….I had no clue that this would be 30 days of self-discovery. I have enjoyed this past month so much! I have learned to look at things in a whole new light. I have taken pictures of critters,  old barns, nature, and all other sorts and have gone about my daily life never looking at those things in the eyes of beauty. I have learned so much about myself….I have discovered some of the things that in my eyes are beautiful that may be just the ordinary in others. This project has been life changing and I’m a little emotional now that its done. I feel like I have viewed the past month with my eyes in a camera lens. I have constantly lived my life noticing the beauty in everything and I’m not ready for it to be over! I’m not going to let it be over!!

I knew for day 30 I needed something really special to my heart. I could think of nothing more than my family. This picture isn’t perfect but neither is my family. When I told Aaron I was going to try and set my timer and take a picture of us he moaned. I think he thought that meant a round of agony hour with me yelling at them to look this way, and to smile that way, and it was going to be just miserable….But I set my camera and took one picture. I took a look at it and knew it was perfect! A snap shot of Aaron smiling his best just trying to get it over with…. Keagan with his normal snare thinking, “Another picture…AGAIN…Mommy!!!, Easton tired and getting cranky and really just wanting his paci, Boodro wondering what on earth is going on…., and then Me-The Mom, trying to tie all the loose ends together to make an attempt at making everything perfect! That’s my life folks! You guys who have read the past 30 days have had a glimpse into my life like no one else ever has. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I highly encourage you to take a challenge like this of your own!

30 Days of Beauty: Day 29

I love old barns, old farms…I love the look of old tin rusting. I think an old farm house with a rusted tin roof has so much character.

30 Days of Beauty: Day 28

For some, this picture may give you the hibbie jibbies…..I honestly had them while trying to take the picture so close. We discovered this girl on our walk around the neighborhood yesterday. And yes, she is a girl. I was standing right next to her giant egg sack! I could feel her stare on me because I’m sure I was too close for her comfort to her little babies. I bet Mama Bear was about to emerge….or rather, Mama BigAss Spider!

Anyways, she does earn a spot on my beauty challenge because she is beautiful. Her web was amazing and with her colors she’s a knock-out. Enjoy!

30 Days of Beauty: Day 27

The days are getting shorter while the nights are getting longer. Pretty soon these trees will provide us with leaves the color of this sunrise for our family to play in for the third year in a row. Autumn is on its way. I’m ready! I love fall festivities, picking apples at the orchard, playing in leaves, heading to the mountains for Halloween. To me Autumn is the time to slow life’s pace down a little and to enjoy nature before winter comes….

30 Days of Beauty: Day 26

Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best.

                                                             —Henry Van Dyke

30 Days of Beauty: Day 25

Wasn’t much up for words today so I just thought I would post a beautiful flower picture taken yesterday at Keagan’s Dr.’s office.


30 Days of Beauty: Day 24

These sweet feet will grow strong…They will continue to carry this sweet sweet boy through his toddler days, childhood, walk him through his teenage years, and into adulthood. How precious our feet are….especially when we’re a gorgeous baby!

30 Days of Beauty: Day 23

We hired a “temp” a year ago today to help cover my job while I was out on maternity leave…Gosh, its hard to believe its been a year. We all grew to know Gayle and to love Gayle and convinced her to stay on with our crazy company part-time. She worked in the mortgage business for almost 30 years and retired from the same company that she started with 30 years ago! She’s my co-worker, my friend, my problem solver, and the one who loves to give me motherly advice when no one else is around.

Our boss bought Gayle this flower arrangement today and I thought it was so appropriate. She really is like a Sunflower. Always smiling and searching for the brightness in everything.

30 Days of Beauty: Day 22

Amazement as the train flew by!

This is without a doubt….One. Of. My. Favorite. Roads. To. Travel. On. In. Spartanburg!!!

I love this! There are actually a couple of these old bridges. This one is my favorite-just a single lane and if someone is coming head on you literally have to wait for them to come through before you can pass. The others are two lanes even though I’m not comfortable riding with two cars side by side….so they might as well consider these one lane also!

Spartanburg County was named and still called the “Hub City” because it was a main stopping point for the trains when traveling from Atlanta to Washington. Around 14 passenger trains travelled this route a day. How neat to live around such history- Even today trains travel through here on a regular basis. Just while we were at the Hub City Farmers’ Market this weekend we were privileged enough to see 3 cargo trains passing.

Love this picture!!! Love this road!!