Category Archives: Wordless Wednesday

Balmy Fall Day

One of the things I love the most about the South are the long Autumns, short mild Winters, and lovely Springs before leading into sweltering hot Summers. Where we live we are normally privileged enough to get one or two good snows each year but then once the fun starts wearing off the sun decides to come out and for the most part the snow is gone.

Here we are at the tail end of our Autumn. We are all dreaming of a White Christmas and apparently Old Man Winter could wait no longer to make a visit.

We have yet to have any snow but ice is a-plenty! This morning when I left the house the temperature was 11 degrees.


I have been eyeing this waterfall for days on my way to work….waiting to see what the water does in freezing temperatures. It was beautiful this morning and worth parking my car to get out and snap a few quick pictures before my fingers finally warned me that they were about to fall off!

A waterfall frozen in time….Literally.

Wordish WednesdayLovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at AspirePhotography love...

Blogging Break Tonight…

….for a little Christmas wrapping party!!
Keagan is away at Nana’s and we’re getting busy trying to make our wrapping pile a tad bit smaller!

is for Mountain of Presents!! 🙂

Wordish WednesdayLovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

The Keagster….

**Photo Challenge: Eyes**

You, Mr. Keagan, are a main man of mine! You make me laugh, smile, and sometimes want to pull my hair out. I absolutely love your innocence and your sensitivity sometimes brings me to my knees. I want to protect you from it all even though I know deep down I need to let you experience your little life while I watch. I would move the world for you. You are so eager to please and love to hear, “Good Job!” and I love to tell you that.

Your feelings get hurt when you’re put into time out but after all….You are a rowdy little boy and it’s bound to happen every now and then….(everyday… ;))

You have moved on from kiddie things to big boy things and correct me when I say, “Oh, how cute….” because it’s not cute but rather “COOL!”

You are the best big brother and get just as excited as your Daddy and I do when Easton hits a milestone.

You have helped complete our family and it simply wouldn’t be the same without you. You are a sweet sweet soul and whether you want to hear this or not, I think you’re cute as a button….But to you I’ll just tell you how cool you are.

You’re one of a kind Keagan and I love every inch of you! On this 10th day of my 25 day challenge, I dedicate it to you!! My first baby… 🙂

Wordish Wednesday

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

Gatlinburg Part III: The waterpark

I am thankful for a nice steamy indoor water park on a chilly fall morning. The boys had a blast!

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

Wordish Wednesday

Wordless (ish) Wednesday


This post couldn’t possibly be wordless….My sweet boy is officially 10 months old today. How fast time flies! The picture above with myself & Keagan I was 7 months pregnant in. I was tired, irritable, uncomfortable, and thinking this baby in me was NEVER going to get here! Keeping up with a hyper 3 year old while struggling with my own issues & working full time were starting to take a toll. Aaron and I often joke about how it was he ever put up with me.

Wow, 1 year later and now I have a precious 10 month old!
Easton, you’ve become you’re own little man. You love to follow me everywhere I go and if I don’t acknowledge that you’re following me then you get upset. I love how I can go look at the garden and when I turn around to head towards the house I see your little head peeking up from the glass door.

You love your baths and as soon as you hear the water start you crawl as quickly as you can into the bathroom with pure excitement. You’re not a big eater which is totally opposite of your big brother Keagan. He was ready for “big boy” food as soon as I was willing to give it to him.

You are such a friendly fella and as of yet don’t show the extreme shyness that Keagan and I do. Maybe you’ll be more like your crazy daddy. Either way, I love you to pieces!

And what does this mean to all the rest of us…..Less than 2 months before Santa heads this way!!! Eeeeekkk

The Paper Mama

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

Wordish Wednesday

And while I’m at it….I might as well enter my sweet boys picture into Paper Heart Camera’s challenge….View from above. 😉

Photography love...

Wordless Wednesday

***Brothers watching the rain***

The Paper Mama

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

the long road

I’m tired & off to bed early tonight….

OH! And how could I not mention….One of my photos has been chosen in the top 5 picks for Simplicity Photo Challenge-Light….

Head on over there and cast your vote for mine…..I mean your favorite picture. 😉

Wordless(ish) Wednesday….

This post will be nowhere near “Wordless” this Wednesday. I feel like this post is purely out of the magazine for kids called Highlights. Ever heard of it?? They always had a picture game in there where you picked out-What doesn’t belong…

Can you see all the things that DON’T belong in this picture…..If not, let me name a few…

  1. There is a banana tree in my yard!!! Yes, I’m still in disbelief!
  2. There is chocolate ice cream in a margarita glass rather than….well a margarita. 😉
  3. My son is sitting, yet again, by a tropical banana tree with a tropical umbrella and did I mention…It’s the middle of October…
  4. He doesn’t look as happy as I would be if my mom let me have chocolate ice cream before dinner….

I brought this umbrella home from work today and I couldn’t resist taking this picture! Now that the moment is over-what will I do with this crazy umbrella?? Lord only knows! Enjoy hump day!! We’re half way there!

The Paper Mama

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

Wordish Wednesday

Wordless(ish) Wednesday

I wonder if he has this face when he’s talking to me on the phone….?

The Paper Mama

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday Everyone!!!

The Paper Mama

Wordish Wednesday